
How to write a rough draft with works cited what i knew and


Rough Draft with Works Cited (due 5/4)

How to Write a Rough Draft with Works Cited

o Introduction
o What I Knew (and did not know about my topic when I started out).
o Why I am Writing This Paper. (A real need should show up. Demonstrate why your topic is important to your life.)

- Do NOT simply copy/paste your statement of intent!

o Body
o My Research Findings
o Divide your paper into subtopics appropriate to your topic (use ALL caps. for subheadings; left-justified; alone on the line)
o Sources should be cited with MLA parenthetical notation (no endnotes or footnotes)

- This is the info. in the top, right hand corner of your note cards
- Must appear directly after a quote
- Must appear at the end of a paraphrased paragraph

o You may use Jane Schaffer Writing Model

- Use Graphic Organizer on following page to help you organize your paper. (This is for one paragraph.)

• This is a guide. You do not have to follow the model exactly.

• You may choose to have only one or two chunks (CD, CM, CM) per topic-that is okay.

o Conclusion

o What I Learned. (...and/or: What I did not learn. A search that failed can be as exciting and valuable as one that succeeded. ?)
o How This May/Will Affect My Life.
o Works Cited
o Minimum of 8 Sources (Use primary sources if available)
o Follow MLA format
o Alphabetical order by first word in citation
o Use hanging Indents for sources on more than one line
o NO annotations should appear on Works Cited page
o Only sources cited within your paper should appear on Works Cited page

- I will be cross referencing sources (if it is on your Works Cited page, it must be in your paper! If it is in your paper, it must be on your Works Cited page!)

o Remember, NO sources are allowed that begin with "wiki" (ie. Wikipedia)!
o Here's what you need for full credit on your rough draft:
o 7+ pages (NOT including Works Cited page)
o 8+ sources on Works Cited
o Every source on Works Cited must be cited in parenthetical notations in your paper!
o Every sources in parenthetical notations in your paper must be on Works Cited!!

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Reference No:- TGS02775792

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