
How to write a biographical research

No cover sheet is required.Choose an African American and have the person approved by the professor. Make sure that each paragraph has a topic sentence. Each paragraph should be between five and eight sentences. The most successful essays are those that cite many specific examples and that include short illustrative quotations from the sources.  Be sure to use citations when quoting directly from the sources or when paraphrasing.  Proofread your paper to avoid common grammatical/spelling errors. More than five spelling/proofreading errors will result in an ungraded paper. If your paper has five or more errors, you will be assessed a ten percent penalty and given until the next class period to redo the paper.

  • Your paper must be double-spaced and typed. 
  • At least five sources should be consulted to complete the research paper.
  • The paper must have 1" margins for the left, right, and bottom margins. 
  • The font must be Times New Roman. Your name, course title, and date must be single spaced in the top right corner of your paper.
  • The title of the paper should be double-spaced and centered under the date.
  • Double-space and begin your paper. 
  • The essay portion must be double-spaced with the page numbers in the top right corner of the page beginning with page 2. 
  • Footnotes or endnotes are required .
  • The heading of the last page should read "Selected Bibliography" or "Works Cited" page and must appear at the end of the paper. Refer to example provided in this syllabus.
  • The paper must be between 5 pages in length. For information on how to write a biographical research paper refer to the end of the syllabus.

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