How to work on your science experiment

Assignment task: By now, you have had quite a while to work on your science experiment and some opportunities to get feedback from your instructor. Now it is time to put together both the results of your experiment and your research.

For the final write-up of your experiment, you need to turn in the following:

  • A paragraph outlining the scientific question you are going to explore
  • Your hypothesis
  • A description of the experiment that you conducted
  • How you used measurements in your experiment
  • The results of your experiment and whether or not your hypothesis was proven to be true or not. If it was true, explain why you thought this was the likely result. If it was not true, what did you learn in the process?
  • The connection between your experiment and contemporary issues in marine science

Beyond the experiment, you have also been working on a report that is now due. Your report, which researches a topic related to your experiment, should meet the following requirements:

  • Explore a topic related to your experiment
  • Have at least five sources, including two or more from newspapers or magazines
  • Include a discussion of the sources, highlighting their strengths and limitations
  • Contain a bibliography in apa format with at least five reputable sources, two of which are newspapers or magazines

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