How to use the positive discipline methods

Problem: Positive Discipline Strategies Assignment

In this project you will develop a method of sharing the main concepts of ten of the seventeen positive discipline strategies listed on pages 338 of the required text for this course. You are developing a tool to support your use of positive guidance strategies with the children in your program and to encourage the families or other staff members to use the tools. Ideally the tool will be a visual cue for you as well as a tool to explain the strategies. Examples of possible methods include creating a video demonstrating the guidance strategies, a digital book showing the strategies or another digital tool. Be creative! The text does an excellent job of explaining and providing examples of the strategies. You will use these to support your interpretation of the material,  and explain five to six-page reflection describing how to use the positive discipline methods and why they are effective tools. Use the following questions to write this reflection

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Reference No:- TGS03383901

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