How to use interesting research to help market your business

Discuss teh below:

Article: Lewis, K. (2014 February 11). How to use interesting research to help market your business

Complete In-House Research versus Publicy Available Research discussion forum, read the article above.

Marketing Information System

Select a product with a marketing problem (of your choice) and write a three- to four- page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) based on the issues below. Be sure to follow APA formatting and use a minimum of three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library, in addition to the textbook.

Describe the primary marketing problem facing the product you have chosen.

Describe three sources of secondary information that might be in the company's marketing information system.

Describe two types of proprietary corporate information that the company might collect for its marketing information system.

Explain why you think the information in the marketing information system could help solve the marketing problem facing the company OR why the company would need to gather additional primary information.

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Marketing Management: How to use interesting research to help market your business
Reference No:- TGS02042047

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