
How to support staff in improving their performance


Discussion Question - Meeting Today's Challenges

We spent learning some basic concepts on how to identify staff problems and issues, how to support staff in improving their performance and methods for addressing serious issues with staff.

The following provides a snapshot of the major issues facing healthcare currently in providing for and supporting staff in this global pandemic.

What will the future hold for healthcare following these trying times?

How can you, as a current or future healthcare leader begin to plan for supporting staff in the future?

1. Read the attached article.

2. What do you think are some of the biggest challenges health care leaders will face working with staff moving forward with the pandemic?

3. What actions can you, as a current or future healthcare leader take to support staff through this difficult time?

4. How do you see partnering with HRM in these efforts?

McMinn, Sean, Simmons-Duffin, Selena, (2020) "1,000 U.S. Hospitals Are 'Critically' Short On Staff - And More Expect To Be Soon" (2020.)

Why Do Good People Leave Organizations?

A Gallup poll of more 1 million employed U.S. workers concluded that the No. 1 reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor. 75% of workers who voluntarily left their jobs did so because of their bosses and not the position itself. In spite of how good a job may be, people will quit if the reporting relationship is not healthy (Hyacinth, 2017).

Hyacinth, B. (2017, December 27). Employees don't leave Companies, they leave Managers.

1. Read the attached article.

2. What does this mean to you?

3. Has this happened to you? Why did it happen?

4. How might this be different or even more challenging because of the pandemic that we are in?

5. What are some steps that you, as a supervisor or leader can take to avoid this?

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Biology: How to support staff in improving their performance
Reference No:- TGS03207957

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