
How to set up the null and alternative hypothesis to test

Discuss the below:

Q: The School Committee members of a midsized New England city agreed that a strict  discipline code has caused an increase in the number of student suspensions. The  number of suspensions for September 1992 - February 1993 for a sample of the schools is provided below. {Data}  The average number of suspensions for the previous year mean{X bar} = 130.5 and the Standard deviation {STDEV}
was 158.2

(a) Set up the null and alternative hypothesis to test if the averave number of suspensions  has changed.

(b) Test your hypothesis with alpha = 0.05.

(c) Find the p value.

(d) Display the data in an Excel Chart to see if it is reasonable to assume that the underlaying population  distribution is normal.

(e) Based on the p value, what can you conclude about the average number of suspensions?


Central 245
Chestnut 65
Duggan 133
Kennedy 97
Forest Park 149
Putnam 1024
Kiley 56
Central Academy 254
Commerce 114
Bridge 7
STDEV= 287.15
 mu = 

Bridge 7
Kiley 56
Chestnut 65
Kennedy 97
Commerce 114
Duggan 133
Forest Park 149
Central 245
Central Academy 254
Putnam 1024

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Basic Statistics: How to set up the null and alternative hypothesis to test
Reference No:- TGS01924987

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