
How to set on accomplishing my goal of getting a degree

Problem: The challenge I experience as a student is fear. I fear that I won't accomplish the goal that I set for myself. Getting a degree is on my bucket list and I'm striving to get one. I get nervous when I'm challenged and returning to school after almost 10 years is a challenge. I know that I can do it, but the fear out weighs my confidence. A lot of things has change over the years. I'm use to a classroom setting. But things have changed, like attending school on line with no instructor to explain or guide me hands on. On-line courses are more feasible for me, due to I work a full-time job and I help with raising a grandchild. I keep telling myself, you can do this! Believing I can do it, staying focus and on task I will make it. I attended college about 10 years ago and I had drop out after my first semester, due to family issues. But this time I am set on accomplishing my goal of getting a degree.

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Reference No:- TGS03337289

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