
How to reduce violence within our sports

Problem: Suggestions on how to reduce violence within our sports. How might we actually get atheletes, fans, and coaches to change their behavior?  What can we learn from the successful programs that have set out to change people's behavior in society? What programs have been tried in other realms of life? What campaigns have actually changed behavior in society (i.e. anti-smoking)? What changes can we implement that may actually affect the amount of violence in our sports, in our athletes lives, or in our lives as spectators? Please think outside the box. Be creative and don't just rely on advocating harsh formal punishments for athletes (i.e. game suspensions, financial penalties, jail, etc.). I know most of you aren't studying marketing, but I'm asking you to be marketers for the day as well as facility managers.

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Other Subject: How to reduce violence within our sports
Reference No:- TGS03330689

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