
How to reduce the factors in the fraud triangle

Consider the following questions:

1. Enron's top executives were not the only people with a role in Enron's demise. Name five other people/organizations that played a role and explain what part they played.

2. If Arthur Andersen felt that Enron's accounting practices were suspect (mark to market. etc), why do you think they would decide to keep Enron as a client?

3 Name three people in Enron that would have 'shocked to the deaths' if they participated in theIgram experiment and three people that would not. Why did you choose the people you did?

4. Do you think that there is any irony in miens slogan -Ask Why? Justify your answer.

5. Give an example of rationalization (fraud triangle) in the case Of Enron lustily your answer with examples from the case.

6. Give an example of opportunity (fraud triangle) in the case of Enfant Justify your answer with examples from the case

7. Give an example of pressure/incentive (fraud triangle) in the case of Enron Justify your answer with examples from the case.

8. Do you think that Anhui Andersen would still be in business today if Sarbanes-Oxley had been in place throughout Andersen's relationship with Enron? Why or why not?

9. Research what has happened to Sherron Watkins since the collapse of Enron. Do you think that her decision to report the wrongdoings of Enron executives to be a good decision in retrospect?

10. Evatuate how Sarbanes-Oxley helps to reduce the factors in the fraud triangle for Arthur Andersen. Give examples for two of those factors.

11. Cite three examples (using three different Enron executives) that show the "Tone at the Top" for Enron was unethical.

I2. Give five examples of people/organizations that could have helped prevent that fraud from Occurring if they would have listened to their ethics.

13. Research what Andy Fastow is doing today. What is his current job and do you think that he regrets his actions with Enron?

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Other Management: How to reduce the factors in the fraud triangle
Reference No:- TGS02059110

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