
How to provide banking services for indigenous remote

There are no any ATMs or any bank branches in remote and rural areas. It is difficult for people in these areas to interact with financial system and take advantages of even the most basic idea of saving and interest. Therefore, we have to come up with solution to solve this situation.

How to provide banking services for indigenous remote customers.

Task1: come up with 3 proposed solutions based on existing solutions about how to reach people in remote areas

One idea must be use Micro ATM, the other two should be your own and original but based on actual situation. Briefly explain each idea for about 150-200words.

Task2: select the proposed idea of using Micro ATM and talk about why chose it over others. Support your argument. (400-600words)

Task 3: identify which existing process would be changed to implement your proposed solution.

Provide a list of processes(including new processes) and indicating the stakeholders involved in each processes.

Draw two process diagrams (for example, flow charts) for an existing and improved process (before and after) to show your proposed change.

(Task 3 basically asks for the difference between use Micro ATMs and without using it in remote areas)

If it is used, the improved process for customer to reach banking services should be like what

It is has not been used, the process should be like what.

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Business Economics: How to provide banking services for indigenous remote
Reference No:- TGS02282188

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