
How to prepare a rough sketch of absorbance

1. for each of the colored solution below, consider the region ofthe visible spectrum in which the compound should absorb light and then prepare a rough sketch of absorbance vs. wavelength for eachsolution. label the wavelength max

a. windex window cleaner (light blue solution)
b. water colored a light red with food coloring
c. pure distilled water

2. A sample of a red dye and a sample of a blue dye both havethe same concentration. each sample 's absorbance is measure usingthe same spectrophotometer at the sample's characteristic wavelength max. will both sample give the same absorbance reading?why or why not?

3. Calculate the concentration in mg/L a solution that wasprepare by adding 3.00 mL of a 3.85*10-4 stock solution of Allura redto a 50.00 mL volumetric flask and then filling to the mark with DIwater.

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Chemistry: How to prepare a rough sketch of absorbance
Reference No:- TGS0740423

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