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Q: Extend the improved stack class stack2 so that the derived class stack would be also capable to store integers, strings, or pairs of integers. Model the pair by a structure with two integer-valued fields x and y.
In the main program, define several integers, strings, and pairs and demonstrate pushing them to and popping from your stack.#include
using namespace std;
class stack // a simple stack class
int top; // stack pointer
static const int MAX = 10; // stack size
int st[MAX]; // stack array
stack() // default constructor
top = -1;
void push(int n) // push method
st[++top] = n;
int pop() // pop method
class stack2 : public stack // improved stack
bool push(int n) // push now checks for stack overflow
if (top < MAX-1)
stack::push(n); // calling push() of superclass
return true;
return false;
bool pop(int &n) // new pop() prevents popping from empty stack
if (top >= 0)
n = stack::pop();
return true;
return false;
int main()
stack2 s;
if (! s.push(5))
cout << "end of stack has been reached" << endl;
if (! s.push(6))
cout << "end of stack has been reached" << endl;
int i, j;
if (! s.pop(i))
cout << "attempt to pop from empty stack" << endl;
if (! s.pop(j))
cout << "attempt to pop from empty stack" << endl;
cout << i << ' ' << j << endl;