
How to perform proper trach care for a patient

Q1. Review in your Fundamental Skills textbook how to perform tracheostomy care and trach suction.

Q2. What are some complications that can occur when performing trach care?

 Q3. List the steps in how to perform proper trach care for a patient.

Q4. What are some important assessment and implications to why trach care should be performed for a patient?

Q5. Explain risk factors and pathophysiology of COPD.

Q6. Explain signs and symptoms of COPD and how to address them (think interventions and pharmacologic therapy).

Q7. Explain the difference between signs and symptoms of emphysema and bronchitis.

Q8. What are the implications of O2 therapy in patients with COPD?

Q9. Identify the signs and symptoms of pneumothorax and diagnostic test that would be ordered.

Q10. Describe the nursing management of pneumothorax and possible complications.

Q11. Please see video about chest tube

YouTube Video: Chest Tube Basics for Nursing Students

Q12. Explain the signs and symptoms present in a patient with severe dehydration 1

Q13. Identify nursing interventions to manage dehydration

Q14. Explain complications that can arise due to severe dehydration

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Biology: How to perform proper trach care for a patient
Reference No:- TGS03294901

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