Purpose: To give precise step-by-step instructions
1) Audience: Someone who has never performed the task
2) Format: Microsoft Word document (single-spaced block paragraphs and at least one list. Arial 11 font.)
3) Scope: One page maximum
• How to perform a routine chore at home (make the bed, mow the lawn, etc.). Audience: someone who has never done it.
Format must include the following parts:
A. Introduction (include any necessary background, preparation, equipment, materials, and warnings. Introduction should start as a paragraph, but may include a list.)
B. List(s) of how to perform the task(s). (Use your word processing program's list tool. Use numbers instead of bullets for steps in a sequence.)
C. Conclusion (restate any warnings/hazards if applicable).
D. Be sure you have used the present tense imperative mood (i.e. second-person direct commands) and necessary specific words, but eliminate all unnecessary words. For precision and unnecessary word elimination, chisel away at the wording several times.