
How to perceived power and influence over others

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Unfortunately, over the last several years, there have been many examples of illegal and unethical business dealings; some involved practicing unethical accounting processes, as well as situations that involved public figures from various genres caught performing various questionable activities. From a philosophical and theoretical point of view, do you feel that individuals holding positions of power or influence should be held to higher levels of accountability for their unethical actions or inactions?

•Using the Internet and library, provide at least 2 examples of how corporations and individuals in positions of power and authority have acted unethically either by their actions or inactions.

•Regarding the incidences you found, do you feel the individuals should be held to a higher level of accountability based upon their real or perceived power and influence over others? Explain.

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Other Subject: How to perceived power and influence over others
Reference No:- TGS01815698

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