
How to motivating team members

Assignment: Create a Project Manifesto for a Virtual, Multicultural Team

Imagine you are a female project manager who works for a global company. You have recently been asked to lead a multinational team of product developers and have been informed that most of the work will happen virtually due to limited travel budgets. You discover that your team will consists of Americans, Germans, and Vietnamese nationalities, some of whom only works on your project part-time; and some of whom have only basic English skills. Your project sponsor is a high-level American manager with whom you have not previously worked. You decide to consult the Hofstede Centre website to get a better understanding of the cultural differences between the involved countries.
Write an analysis in which you:

• Discuss the cultural differences between the three countries involved

• Analyze how well your personal leadership style developed and your communication style uncovered in may work with other nationalities, particularly when it comes to motivating team members. Propose adjustments as needed.

• Explore how the virtual project environment may affect team members' level of motivation and outline a virtual teambuilding event you will lead at the beginning of the project

• Develop a communication plan for your project that includes specific tools you plan to use to keep team members informed of news, progress, issues, and events. Explain how you plan to encourage use of specific tools.

• Identify key individuals in your organization with whom you want to network to ensure project success and explain how you will network

• Discuss your plans for influencing key project stakeholders, given the cultural differences that may exist

• Predict how effective different conflict resolutions methods discussed will be, given the virtual and multicultural nature of your project

• End your paper by summarizing the key leadership challenges involved in managing a virtual, multicultural team.

You may make additional assumptions about the project as you see fit, as long as you document those assumptions in your paper.

Support your paper with a minimum of three external resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Create a  12 to 15 pages not including title and reference pages.

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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Other Management: How to motivating team members
Reference No:- TGS01867407

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