Assignment task:
Watch YouTube Video: How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge
Problem 1: Pose questions about things you do not understand, share your feelings on issues/topics the presenter discusses, share a story or a thought about how you can relate to something, tie in information you learned from readings 5 meaningful annotations.
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Problem 2: The first thing I'm guilty about and popped up in my head fi was my procrastination. It's a behavior I tried to change but always tend to fail at changing it. I sometimes have a lack of motivation and patience to finish an activity and task a few times a week. And the feeling of laziness takes over. Making it hard to complete some daily activities. I think it's just the mindset and drive you have that can reduce/eliminate this bad behavior. Motivation/Ambition does wondrous things to oneself they never knew they were able to do before
Problem 3: Think that warnings don't really stop people too. If something doesn't impact someone negatively right away, they are not going to stop, especially when it becomes an addiction. Years and years ago, people didn't know the long term effects of drinking and smoking, so people didn't have to worry about what they are doing and if it was going to hurt them later in life. Today, we know a lot about what alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and etc can do to us long term, and there are warnings out there, but it doesn't stop people from doing it. All those things are still very popular and common in society today, in spite of all the warnings and long term impacts, so I think people do what feels right to them.
Problem 4: I feel like that's a lot of people who do that including myself. I tend to hear information that I want to hear and basically disregard the other information. I remember I had to go to the ear, throat and nose doctor to check my hearing and the only thing I remember is them telling me I have good hearing right now and after that I didn't hear anything else.
Problem 5: I believe that one of the best ways that can motivate us to change a specific behavior is through immediate rewards. We tend to value the reward we can get now than the rewards we can get in the future. Who doesn't want the good stuff now rather than waiting for the uncertainty of the future? The research makes sense. If bad habits will always be associated with a good reward immediately, then who doesn't want a change. This immediate reward could push people to change until those change would become a habit, and later becomes a lifestyle. Though I still think change depends on the people's mentality. Its still up to the person if change is something he/she values.
Problem 6: If we really want to motivate people to change then we might wanna rethink how to do it. We might wanna consider applying different strategies like immediate rewards and progress monitoring which I think is best ways to motivate people to change. We should always remember that fear of loosing something induces inaction while thrill of gaining something gains action. I do believe too that giving self control to people is a very important behavior. Self control is part of who we are as a human being. It is the one of the principles that our brain is actually doing. It constantly tries to seek ways to control the environment.