
How to minimize total system costs

Case: Saveway Supermarkets

Saveway Supermarkets is a major food retailer in upstate New York. The chain has over 60 stores that receive merchandise from their Rochester, New York, warehouse. The warehouse receives shipments of merchandise throughout the day from the various vendors and manufacturers with whom Saveway does business. The Rochester warehouse has eight loading docks available for delivery of goods. Trucks arrive at the warehouse approximately once every six minutes according to a Poisson process. If all the loading docks are occupied, an arriving truck waits in a queue until a dock becomes available. Currently, each dock is staffed by a single worker, who unloads a truck in an average of 30 minutes. Saveway management has been getting complaints from some of its suppliers that their truckers are spending too much time unloading merchandise at the Rochester warehouse. Hence Saveway has come up with a number of possible strategies to address this problem:

(1) hire a second worker for each loading dock, reducing the average time to unload a truck to 18 minutes (workers earn $16 per hour in salary and benefits);

(2 ) equip each loading dock with an electric forklift that can be leased for $5 per hour and reduce the time required to unload a truck to an average of 24 minutes; or

(3) build up to two more loading docks (accounting for capital costs, each dock will cost Saveway $ 6 per hour to build). While strategies 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive, the firm may decide to implement strategy 3 either alone or in combination with 1 or 2. Saveway estimates the goodwill cost of a delivery truck being in the system at $60 per hour.

Prepare a business report recommending a course of action to Saveway management assuming the objective is to minimize total system costs.

Assume that service times for each option follow exponential distributions. Include in your report a comparison of the system parameters of your recommendation to those of current operations.

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Cost Accounting: How to minimize total system costs
Reference No:- TGS02119634

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