How to measure the achievement of program goals

Assignment task: The Non-profit being studies is the Future for Everyone Program. It is a non-profit that provides affordable housing, counseling, and educational services to a rural community.

1. The research design for this program's evaluation plan:

a. What is an example of a narrative that describes how the program will evaluate the outcomes of the program goals and objectives? Discuss the tool(s) used, the research that will be conducted and the process that occurs to evaluate and provide evidence of program effectiveness. Explain the tool, what the tool measures, what and how the tool produces a valid outcome for goal attainment or failure.

b. What would the appropriate design to measure the achievement of program goals for each and every objective. Thus, giving evidence of success of the program.

c. The evaluation instrument will preferably be a tool/s discussed in the research literature and used in past evaluations (affirming validity and reliability) for a program similar to the one you are proposing.

d. If you are using a simple subject research design, explain how it is used.

f. Review the measurement instruments for the programs objectives and activities that were identified.

g. Make sure you have included clear indicators and types of instruments to be used.

h. Apply social work ethics and values to the evaluation process of social intervention (program).

i. Discuss how this evaluation plan will address the theoretical perspective and generational trauma experienced by the homeless population, identifying risk and resilience factors.

2.  Sustainability

a. Develop a one-two paragraph statement describing how the program will sustain itself once this $25,000 grant is no longer available?

3. Final Grant Proposal Timeline

a. Update the timeline for Final Grant Proposal. The timeline should include data collection and measurement and it must be consistent with the research plan presented in the methods section and the evaluation plan, including specific dates of completion.

4. Budget a. Develop a budget for the program within the grant proposal. See Step 8 in O'NealMcElrath's textbook.

b. Critically think of as many related costs as necessary to meet the goal/s of this service program. This must be holistic and capture all expenses of the program.

c. Show all levels of financial resources and specifically how the grant will be used.

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Reference No:- TGS03374849

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