
How to maximize the growth and profitability of the firm

Discuss the below:

Ethics Lloyd Enterprises Highly competitive bid opportunity Shaw (Lloyd Treasurer) retiring and must recommend one of two assistants to take his place 1st Assistant: Aalap Parish clearly the most qualified o Raised in Mumbai, India, US college graduate: Stern MBA o 8 years experience with Lloyd, 5 years at a prior firm 2nd Assistant: Robert Fritz o Raised in Boston; undergraduate degree and MBA, Boston University Shaw Recommendation: Fritz to succeed him Fits in better with top management o All raised on East Coast; several Boston U. graduates o Will be helpful in some way to the company MBA with finance concentration What is your opinion of Shaws actions? Deontological Does Shaw have a duty to avoid discrimination in the workplace? Many people would believe he does have that duty. Teleological: Egoistic Shaw merely making a decision that maximizes his own comfort o Is he a bigot? o Or does he believe in less diversity is better for the company Utilitarian-How much harm is Shaw doing to Aalaps future career potential? Shaw made no attempt to find out, either Parish or Fritz Virtue-based Would a good person choose Fritz over Parish? Does Shaw honestly believe that choosing Fritz would maximize the growth and profitability of the firm? Highly competitive bid opportunity Shaw (Lloyd Treasurer) retiring and must recommend one of two assistants to take his place 1st Assistant: Aalap Parish clearly the most qualified Raised in Mumbai, India; US college graduate: Stem MBA 8 years' experience with Lloyd; 5 years at a prior firm 2nd Assistant: Robert Fritz Raised in Boston; undergraduate degree and MBA, Boston University Shaw Recommendation: Fritz to succeed him "Fits in better" with top management All raised on East Coast; several Boston U. graduates Will be helpful in some way to the company MBA with finance concentration What is your opinion of Shaw's actions? Deontological: Does Shaw have a duty to avoid discrimination in the workplace? Many people would believe he does have that duty. Teleological: Egoistic - Shaw merely making a decision that maximizes his own comfort Is he a bigot? Or does he believe in less diversity is better for the company Utilitarian - How much harm is Shaw doing to Aalap's future career potential? Shaw made no attempt to find out, either Parish or Fritz Virtue-based: Would a good person choose Fritz over Parish? Does Shaw honestly believe that choosing Fritz would maximize the growth and profitability of the firm?

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Business Law and Ethics: How to maximize the growth and profitability of the firm
Reference No:- TGS02030046

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