Assignment task:
I need an idea to help come up with an ideal conclusion for my brown bag speech. My 3 items are a picture in a frame that represents my family and community, a souvenir from one of my travels to represent adventure, and a Junior Marshall sash to represent my academic success as top of my class
My intro/opener is: I have to admit that I was stumped when I was given the assignment to bring three artifacts that represented me and my experience. I could have taken a picture frame with a family portrait, a vacation souvenir, and a Junior Marshall sash... But then I remembered that this isn't "Antiques Roadshow," and I'm not here to have all of my possessions appraised.
Consider the following scenario: I'm at home, attempting to figure out how to make these seemingly unconnected objects fit together for this speech. As it turned out, I experienced an "aha" moment. What if my family portrait is the ultimate keepsake from my life's experience, and academic accomplishment is the sash that ties it all together? My family and community are the backdrops, my trips are the wacky, funny stories I've gathered along the way, and the sash? That is my way of stating, "I passed high school without too much psychological damage." So, join me on this journey as we discover the fun, mistakes, and unanticipated pitfalls that come with the challenges of being a top-of-the-class Junior Marshall. But don't worry, this isn't going to be a boring scholarly presentation. Consider it a comedy program with an extra dose of family turmoil and a splash of globetrotting adventure.