How to keep yourself up-to-date with ethical issues

Case Scenario:

You are a Transport Inspector employed by Queensland Transport based at the Commercial Transport Enforcement Group.  Your role is to educate commercial vehicle operators about their legal obligations and enforce the relevant legislation.

About 12 months ago one of your colleagues, Transport Inspector Bradley Schubach, left the group and began working in private industry as a Compliance Manager for Solace Transport.  You have had no contact with Bradley since he resigned but understand he has had contact with Inspectors in your work unit as part of his role with Solace Transport.

You are part of an operation intercepting commercial vehicles and inspecting them to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation.  You intercept a large truck being driven by your former colleague Bradley Schubach.

You identify several major safety defects with the vehicle and deficiencies in the commercial vehicle logbook entries made by Bradley.  When you question Bradley about the issues, he replies by saying that "All good mate, I will fix the boys up with tickets to the footy and a carton of beer on Friday".   You discuss this with your supervisor, Senior Transport Inspector Simon Crafter, who tells you that Bradley's new girlfriend is the Director-General of Transport and Main Roads and that if we look after him, he will make our lives easier by influencing his girlfriend.


Name at least two (2) resources you can access to keep yourself up-to-date with ethical issues and explain what relevant information can be found within them.

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