
How to interpret superior mortality indices of latino


I believe that there are known health disparities between Latinos and Caucasians within the United States. There were a recent studies have shown that despite the steady improvements in the overall health of the United States, racial and ethnic minorities experience a lower quality of health services and are less likely to receive routine medical procedures and have higher rates of morbidity and mortality than non-minorities.

Disparities in health care exist even when controlling for gender, condition, age and socio-economic status. A key issue discussed is how to interpret the superior mortality indices of Latino immigrants and the subsequent declining health status of later generations. Explanations for differences in mortality include selection, reverse selection, death record inconsistencies, inequalities in health status, transnational migration, social marginality, and adaptation to environmental conditions in the United States.

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Other Subject: How to interpret superior mortality indices of latino
Reference No:- TGS01912717

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