
How to increase the awareness of the quality education

Marketing Plan Ideas From

The ultimate goal of Sylvan learning Center is to grow and to increase the awareness of the quality education it provides while cementing the trust with current and future clients.

Plan #1 The African proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child," rings true for parents, caretakers, and teacher who seek caring people to help their children in time of need. By adding opportunities to personally (face to face) tell who they are, what they do, why they are unique is beneficial.

• Participate in the surrounding community schools' open house, parent center gatherings, back-to-school night and etc. That means we need to communicate with the principals and parents.

• Host once a month parent informational workshops and professional development workshops onsite for those who see the benefits of differentiated instruction.

o Display statistic and average growth and impact on students' learning at the meetings.

o Present conducted research- Qualitative and Quantitative.

 Effects of Sylvan learning center on the overall achievement of struggling readers.

 Effects of Sylvan Learning Center upon the student achievement in math, Science, reading and writing.

 Survey teachers and parents who seek to improve their students' academic success.
Plan #2 Sylvan should continue to develop awareness of its center through advertisement such as media and newsletters.

• Television commercials (Kumon is blowing up the television)

• Posting flyers at childcare center, YMCAs, kids sports clubs and teams.

• Social Media. Have people like that cite and forward to others.

Plan #3: Sylvan should continue to offer discounts, especially

o Loyal parents
o For referrals.
o Scholarships for impactful statement from parents who seek support for outstanding or in need students for Sylvan is here to benefit children.

Here are some research and literature in regards to Sylvan Learning Center's impact on student and the community.

Gose, B. (1997). Tutoring companies take over remedial teaching at some colleges.
Chronicle Of Higher Education, 44(4), A44.

These researchers found the Sylvan Learning Center was far more successful in helping student master remedial courses in order begin their majors.

Hoyt, C. (2007). Will your preschooler need a tutor?. Parenting, 21(9), 117-121.
Sylvan seemed to make an impact on getting children ready for kindergarten.

Liu, N. (2013). iPad Infuse Creativity in Solid Geometry Teaching. Turkish Online
Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 12(2), 177-192.
Sylvan learning sent is one the first tutoring centers to provide Ipads to every student in comparison to LAUSD

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Other Management: How to increase the awareness of the quality education
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