
How to include parenthetical citation

This is a common final exam that is being used in all MBA 610 sections. I would like you to consider the following recommendations in crafting your essay.These added suggestions should aid in your success:

I.)The directions ask students to specifically address some specific issues (in Part "C") and yet despite these directions, I find that many students do not include the required components. Do NOT just randomly write a paper on some area of the law. Be sure to DIRECTLY and CLEARLY address the issues listed in part "C" below.

II.) Also, the directions clearly ask you to research and include citation. Be sure to actually include parenthetical citation throughout as well as use quotation marks where appropriate. And include end notes.

III.) I highly recommend that you use headings to clearly identify the specific areas of your essay. Use them throughout for your different sections including those thatdirectly address the required areas under part "C" of the directions.

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Business Law and Ethics: How to include parenthetical citation
Reference No:- TGS0538112

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