
How to improve the essay into a final draft

Problem: Discussion thread, reply with constructive feedback: offering constructive criticism of how to improve the essay into a final draft. There are different types of drivers that appear on the road daily, and it is crucial to recognize them to drive in the safest way possible. It is important to know the traffic laws and coexist on the road to drive preventing situations and accidents. Romans 13:1-2 tells us, "Every person must submit to the governing authorities, for it comes from God, and those in positions of authority are placed there by God. Therefore, anyone who rebels against authority rebels against what God has instituted and will be punished" (RVL). Certainly, there are different types of drivers, but the most common and distinguished are aggressive drivers, cautious drivers, and distracted drivers. Each one has its own characteristics, and great caution must be taken with them to be able to drive efficiently, ensuring our safety and that of others according to traffic laws. One of the first drivers to show up on the road are the aggressive ones. These are characterized by interfering with unsigned lanes, sticking too close to cars, driving at high speeds, and not following traffic laws. On some occasions, these types of drivers not only break the law but also disrespect individuals, causing uncomfortable situations in which sometimes a police officer must interfere. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus exhorts us to "do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its toil, and every day will suffice for its own judgment." (NLT) Contrary to these are the cautious. Cautious drivers are those who follow traffic laws and drive respectfully. They stay at the indicated speeds, watch the signals of other drivers and themselves, and are much more respectful of other drivers. This type of driver provides a certain calm and security because they make appropriate decisions not only among other drivers but also as well as pedestrians. They fulfill what the word says in Matthew 22:39, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." (NLT) Finally, there are distracted drivers. These are even more dangerous than problematic ones. Distracted drivers tend to use their phones to text or ramble on them while driving. They eat while driving and even tend to ignore traffic signals because they get distracted or stunned. This causes them to cause countless accidents, they get lost, sometimes they are overrun, they light up red, and you can even see some against the traffic putting their lives and the lives of others in danger. In conclusion, driving is an extremely big responsibility. You should not only think about yourself but also about other people on the road, including pedestrians. Knowing the different types of drivers that exist can provide an idea of how to deal with them and exercise extra caution while driving. There is no better way to drive than by following the laws of transit, being respectful and compassionate with others, to have a safe experience.

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