How to improve nursing practice and patient care

Problem: Read the scenario below. Discuss at least three things that are occurring in this environment that do not represent a context for professional practice.

Freda Smith, RN, always seems to sidestep any team or collective action on the unit that might improve nursing practice and patient care. Whenever asked to participate, Freda always says other demands and issues limit her availability. Freda has been heard to say, "I do 10-hour shift work; I come here to work and taking care of patients is all my job requires me to do. When I'm done here, I'm done. Don't ask me to do anything more than my job; I don't have time, and I'm just not interested." Freda seems to represent the voice of others on the unit. As a result, a small percentage of nursing colleagues do most of the work related to shared governance, policy, defining best practices, advancing unit learning, resolving unit issues, and making practice decisions. The only problem with this is when decisions are made those who did not participate complain about the decisions and often struggle against making recommended changes.

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Reference No:- TGS03365873

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