How to improve interprofessional collaboration at your site

Assignment task:

If you choose to write your answers, please write 2-3 bullet points or sentences per prompt. You may use the text entry feature below, or upload a Word or PDF document with your answers. If you choose to verbally address the prompts, use the media tool below to create ONE video or audio recording that addresses all prompts. Your recording should be approximately 1-2 minutes in length. Reflective Prompts to Address Briefly describe the team interaction your observed at your site. What professions were present, and how did the interaction go? Think about your PAL group discussion, and briefly describe: One POSITIVE implication of using the JTOG form results to assess team interactions and recommend changes to improve practice and care outcomes. One NEGATIVE implication of using the JTOG form results to assess team interactions and recommend changes to improve practice and care outcomes. Based on your PAL group discussion and what you learned about other sites, identify one recommendation you might make to further improve interprofessional collaboration at your own site.

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Other Subject: How to improve interprofessional collaboration at your site
Reference No:- TGS03430277

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