
How to improve equitable distribution of vaccinations

Assignment task: In your responses to your peers, extend their discussion using factual and/or research to deepen the dialog.

Peers post:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many areas of the world did not have access to newly developed vaccines. What factors should be considered on a global scale to improve equitable distribution of vaccinations and other medical technology in the case of a world-wide health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic? Discuss your thoughts using factual evidence and/or research to defend your position.

Although there have been great improvements made in achieving goals for the COVID-19 vaccine access, the chase for justice and equity remains undone. Vaccine nationalism calls for new approaches to achieve equitable access and justice for vaccines and vaccination including insuring the country and community participation in the global discussions that local needs strengthen the health systems, addressing issues that relates to social determinants of health, to build trust and leverage the acceptance of vaccines. There has been several recommendations made to govern toward justice which include code signing path with low income and Liddell income countries. According to (BMJ Glob Health), the best way to improve equitable distribution of vaccinations and other medical technology in the case of a world-wide health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic is by establishing stronger accountability measures, establishing dedicated groups to engage countries and manufacturing hubs that will make sure that affordable supply and predictable demand are in balance.

Article: BMJ Glob Health (Jun 8, 2023).

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