
How to improve efficiency at your job

Assignment Directions:

For each scenario, use perception checking to check your interpretations of these behaviors as if these scenarios personally happened to you. Refer back to your textbook on perception checking to assist you. Remember, in order to check our perceptions correctly, we must understand that our first interpretation might be incorrect.

Sample: "You haven't laughed that much in the last couple of days [describing the behavior you noticed]. It makes me wonder if something is bother you [first interpretation] or just in a hurry [second interpretation]. How do you feel? [request for clarification]

Please help with the following.

Scenario #1: You made a suggestion to your boss about how to improve efficiency at your job. You thought it was an excellent suggestion, however, your boss has yet to get back to you, and it's been over 10 days.

Scenario #2: Your friend usually goes to dinner with you every Tuesday night to catch up and have drinks. However, when asking her if trying a new place to eat is okay, she has yet to respond to your phone call, and it's been over three days. Eventually, you see her at school, eating lunch.

Scenario #3: Your roommate, who is usually very tidy, has not done the dishes in four days. He knows this annoys you because you have talked about it in the past. Every time he sees you, he disappears into his room. Eventually, he comes out of his room and is studying out in the living room.

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Other Subject: How to improve efficiency at your job
Reference No:- TGS03313791

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