
How to implement a stack using an array how to implement a

I have a test on Java, and these are some of the review topics. Could you provide a breif explanation for the following?

How this works.

How to throw a Java exception.

What the Java pointer null is.

How the Java equals methods work.

How the Java ‘==' operator works.

When to use equals, and when to use ‘=='.

How the Java toString methods work.

How inheritance works with Java classes.

How the extends keyword works.

What a Java interface is.

How to use an interface to simulate multiple inheritance.

How to analyze the run time of an algorithm.

How O ‘‘big-O'' notation works.

How an algorithm can run in constant time O(1).

How an algorithm can run in linear time O(n).

How an algorithm can run in logarithmic time O(log n).

How an algorithm can run in quadratic time O(n2).

How the functions used in O notation grow at different rates.

How to represent a set using an array.

How set methods work: add, isIn, length, remove, where. (See Moodle.)

How inner (nested) Java classes work.

How to implement a linear, singly-linked list using an inner class.

What a stack is.

How stack operations work: isEmpty, isFull, peek, pop, push.

How to implement a stack using an array.

How to implement a stack using a linear, singly-linked list.

What a queue is.

How queue operations work: dequeue, enqueue, isEmpty.

How to implement a queue using a linear, singly-linked list.

What a special case is.

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Computer Engineering: How to implement a stack using an array how to implement a
Reference No:- TGS02945001

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