Using the following case scenario, give specific examples to show you understand how to identify strengths in a family and how to assess both functional and dysfunctional behaviors and goals in a family.
Ms. Byron is a single parent mother of 3 children - twin boys age 10 and a 15 year old daughter. She and her children recently moved into a small 3 bedroom house because she qualified for a low income housing loan. She works 2 jobs and is trying to get her GED at a community college. She wants to get an Associate's Degree so she can get a job as a child care worker. She has to depend on extended family and her church for assistance to buy clothes and school supplies for her children because she can't count on regular child support from the children's fathers. Ms. Byron came into your agency for help because she found out her 15 year old daughter is pregnant and she is very upset. She said she blames herself because she knew her daughter was hanging out with older boys and was not on a birth control plan. Ms. Byron got pregnant as a teenager and was hoping that wouldn't happen to her daughter. She wants her daughter to finish high school and was hoping all her children could have a better future - maybe even go to college. Her boys do very well in school and are involved in the Boys Club at their school.