
How to help a struggling english student


How to help a struggling English student.

Previously identified some vocabulary errors of a university prep class ESL student. ( as evident in one of the essays, please find this attached along with information on the class/learning profile)

Now I decided to find and design materials/activities to help this learner work on one of the areas of weakness he presents.( vocabulary, words in this case), as I believe university prep students would benefit from improving their vocabulary for all the essays they will be writing in university

At least 2 activities:

One of these activities can be from a coursebook/workbook/resource book/internet. But for the other activity, Can you design yourself?

Can you explain the reasons why you chose/designed these activities

making reference to the learnerâ??s preferred learning styles (please refer to the attached document) and bear this and their previous learning experience in mind when choosing/designing activities.

Can you also refer to background reading you did for this posting by including at least one or more quotations


For the suggested activities:

Please attach a sourced copy of all suggested activities.

Please Remember to:

find one activity from a published source and design one of your own

show an awareness of the learnerâ??s background, previous learning experiences and learning style

give a clear rationale for your choice of activities

include at least one of more quotations to show evidence of your background reading.

Attachment:- language analysis.rar

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English: How to help a struggling english student
Reference No:- TGS01925302

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