How to get the best benefit from the medicare plan

Assignment Instructions:

Please review the appropriate chapter from the textbook and respond to the following questions in complete sentences and in paragraph form.

Assignment: Please read Chapter 8 and respond to question 1.

Question #1: Pretend you are advising your grandparents or another relative about how to get the best benefit from their Medicare plan.

Based on the information in our class textbook, synthesize the information into your own words (do not just "quote" or "copy & paste" from the textbook) and respond to the following:

a. List the four names and parts of Medicare.

b. Describe what each part covers and explain why each part is important.

Assignment: Please read Chapter 9 and respond to question 2.

Question #2 : Imagine that YOU are the head of your household, or the person responsible for making insurance decisions for the household or family.  You have the option of purchasing a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), or Point-of-Service (POS) Managed Care plan.  Based on the household's finances, the size of the family (number of people in the house), the health status of the family, and the benefits offered by the plan, select the plan that would be most beneficial to your family/household.

Be sure to address each of the considerations listed in this question when explaining your choice. Why are you selecting this plan?  Discuss the benefits that this plan offers to your household and describe the components of the plan you selected in your discussion).

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Other Subject: How to get the best benefit from the medicare plan
Reference No:- TGS03439702

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