
How to get a democratic control of technology what arethe


Complete the followings and submit on the Blackboard/Assignment Tenby the due date:

a. Discuss at least one of the questions in the following Reading Guide

b. Discuss oneChapter Discussion question at the end of Chapter 19 or 20 of the textbook

c. Write an annotation video review from one of the short videos in Lecture 10 PPT. (You may write a review of another relevant video of your choice instead - please include link).

(i) summarize the main points covered in the video,
(ii) discuss your thoughts on this video regarding what you have learned and
(iii) comment on the quality of the video and presentation

Chapter 19:

1. What's the relationship between technology and organizational structure?

2. How do continuous-process technologies differ from mass-production technologies?

3. Discuss the study conducted by Robert Blauner. How would you compare his work with that of Joan Woodward?

4. What's the role of new information technology in the evolution of organizationalstructures?

5. How are technological changes shaped by inter-organizational relations?

6. Does Volti really think that small firms do a better job of producing new technologies?

7. What's the definition of entrepreneur? What is the role of entrepreneurs in technology development?

8. Who is Samuel Insull and his influence of technology development?

9. What is NC machine? Research its development in relation to organization structure.

10. How does information technology affect organization structures?

Chapter 20:

1. How could the government affect technology?

2. Do you think it's necessary for a government to be involved in technology development?

3. What is the role of government institutions in technology development?

4. What are the processes for the "iron triangle" to affect technology?

5. How to get a democratic control of technology?

6. What is Volti's view on the future of technology development? What is your opinion on the outlook of the future of technology?

7. Why Keystone pipeline a point of contention? Discuss whether there is a middle-ground and any strategies to arrive it.

8. What arethe OTA and its role in technology development? Cite examples of its achievement.

9. What is PSAC? How is it related to OSTP?

10. Discuss the role of government in Japan in meeting the international technological competition.

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