
How to find certain type of circuits and electronic devices

Understand the concepts to find certain type of circuits and electronic devices.

1. In a certain circuit the output signal is NOT permitted to exceed a certain value even though the input signal tries to drive it beyond that value. What is the circuit?
A) Limiter
B) Clipper
C) Baseline stabilizer
D) Ringing oscillator

2. How would you describe a differentiator?
A) AN RC circuit where the time constant is greater than 1
B) AN RC circuit where the time constant is equal to 1
C) A circuit that has an output signal proportional to the sum of input pulses
D) A circuit that has an output signal proportional to the rate of change of the input signal

3. Of the following devices, which one is most suitable for frequency domain displays?
A) Memory scope
B) Oscillograph
C) Spectrum analyzer
D) Triggered sweep scope

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Physics: How to find certain type of circuits and electronic devices
Reference No:- TGS017275

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