Question 1: How to enter the predecessors for a task. What is one method to enter successors (that's right, successors, not predecessors) for an MS project task? (Note: This is not asking how to display the Successors column; that's the next question. This asks how to enter successors for a task.) Describe AND provide a screen shot of the steps.
Question 2: What is one method to show the successors field (column)? Describe AND provide a screen shot of the steps.
Question 3: What is one method to enter the project start date? Not the start date of a task (that's a different question, below) -- not even of the first task -- but the start date of the entire project. Describe AND provide a screen shot of the steps.
Question 4: What version of MS Project did you use for this?
Could someone help to explain the answer of these questions.