Assignment task: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to connect with businesses and the government in your community. In addition, it will evaluate you on the core values of social responsibility and personal responsibility.
You will be expected to make a letter to a specific member of the Brazoria County Commissioners Court. This is a formal letter and should be formatted as such.
In this letter you should lay out a problem facing a business in your community that the government could help with. To find out about this problem you will need to contact a business directly. To find a business google the "Chamber of Commerce" in Pearland Tx. In your letter you should explain what the problem is and why, in fact, it is a problem. A good starting point is to focus on how the business is being affected by the policy problem. This is your first paragraph.
Next you should explain why this policy issue is problematic from a moral or ethical perspective. Think about your upbringing. What values or words of wisdom did your family, or others important to you, express that would be relevant in this situation? Based on your values, what do you think is the solution? What should your local government do in response to the problem? This is your second paragraph.
Next you should explain what you are going to do to help put your solution into action. Think about what you, as a citizen, can do to influence the local government (beyond writing this letter, of course). Explain why it is important that you, as a citizen, take these actions. This is your third paragraph.