
How to effectively incorporate service-learning


Service Learning Team Project-The Fusion Project

• During our Marketing course in our Discussion section of Unit 6 & 7 you will be working on a new Service Learning Project for The Fusion Project from Maine Campus Compact.

• Maine Campus Compact is a coalition of 18 member campuses whose purpose is to catalyze and lead a movement to reinvigorate the public purposes and civic mission of higher education. We seek to transform our campuses in ways that develop better informed, active citizen problem-solvers, stronger communities, and a more just democratic society. We believe that our campuses must be vital agents and architects of a flourishing democracy.

• The Fusion Project's 2 week (25 hour) online course teaches faculty how to effectively incorporate service-learning/community engagement into the online classroom. Our specialized trainers will support and train faculty in this rigorous academic pedagogy, and provide insider tips on creating a more engaged online course. After the 2-week training participants will have a completed blueprint of an infused service and online learning course.

Video Interview explanation:

links: https://mix.office.com/watch/1olith4nlc7sp

• Here is what you need to do:

• Breakdown the market, allowing for the identification and prioritization of segments that offer the best chance to achieve the desired marketing behavioral objective. The focus would be to concentrate on The Fusion Project business targets, and the end-user customers. The output of this work would allow the project to develop specific plans and resources to priority segments in attracting a variety of new participants.

• Action Plan:

• Identify preferred communication channels for target customer segments. Create key messages and activities to accelerate adoption with local businesses and grow client base.

• The class will be split into three separate groups that will work as a team to act as marketing consultants. In Unit 6 you and your team will interact and discuss what changes or recommendations you would suggest be made to increase business and customer activity. In Unit 7 your team will actually compile and submit a 5 slide PowerPoint that shows your best recommendations.

• This project is designed to help you learn more about a number of marketing techniques and at the same time give you the opportunity to work on something meaningful while you are furthering your education. Kaplan University appreciates your efforts to do your best as we endeavor to give back in some way to our surrounding communities.

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Marketing Management: How to effectively incorporate service-learning
Reference No:- TGS02963551

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