How to do the closeout criteria for a health care project

How to do the Closeout criteria for a Health care project Management. points which needs to be included are. "Considering the scope of your particular project, list activities to close out the project itself. Following are items you could include: * Termination of supplier contracts: Completion/closeout of procurements is always critical and should be included as part of project closeout. * Release of project resources * Communication that the project is closed * Closing the project budget - document final budget vs. actual costs. * Create Lessons Learned document – may include: Were the requirements adequate? Were the project management plans (focus on triple constraint) adequate? Were project risks adequately identified and mitigated? What should be done same/different for similar future projects? * Archiving project information"

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Operation Management: How to do the closeout criteria for a health care project
Reference No:- TGS01625430

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