
How to develop group motivation during classroom instruction

Assignment Part 1: Observe a different grade level or different classroom in the same grade level as in Clinical Field Experience A. Spend your first hour observing how the teacher incorporates group motivation and behavior expectations during instruction and interview your mentor teacher about group motivation, how he or she sets behavior expectations, establishes safety procedures, and addresses trauma in the classroom.

Below is a list of questions to ask your mentor teacher:

  • How do you develop group motivation during classroom instruction?
  • How do you set your behavior expectations in your classroom?
  • In what ways do you communicate with the parents of your students regarding motivation, expectations, safety procedures, and trauma?
  • How have you dealt with bullying in your classroom?
  • Does your school implement any type of bullying curriculum? If so, describe it.
  • In what ways do you prepare your students for safety in your classroom (fire drill, lockdown, evacuation, trauma, etc.)?
  • What traumatic events (lockdown, evacuation, abuse, students' family member passed away, etc.) have occurred in your classroom/school while teaching? *
  • How did you respond with your students?

Ask additional questions and follow-up questions as appropriate.

Assignment Part 2: Reflection

Summarize the interview, and how the teacher responded to bullying, trauma, and safety in the classroom. Reflect on how you will respond to bullying in your future classroom and when and how you will involve parents. What are some ways you can address bullying with the whole class? Research bullying prevention strategies and share two strategies. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Support your strategies with a minimum of two to three scholarly resources.

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Reference No:- TGS03299248

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