
How to develop a conclusion about foreign policy outcome

Case Study:

Prepare a seven page, case study that uses the process tracing methodology to describe the interaction between foreign policy practitioners on a single issue that results in a success or failure to achieve U.S. objectives. The case should describe the issue, the role and actions of the central participants, the context, and the process of interaction.

Case Analysis

Based on your case construction, analyze the interaction of issue, actor, context, and process to develop a conclusion about the diplomatic/foreign policy outcome. Specifically, answer the below questions:

• Does the process or outcome illustrate a particular aspect of the Kenneth Waltz' three-part framework for describing conflict interaction?

• Does the outcome or process confirm or deny one or more of Robert Gilpin's five hypotheses? The answer will be in the form of a five page paper

Will be 12 pages total, must include references from Waltz & Gilpin, others are ok but must have at least one Waltz & Gilpin reference..



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Other Subject: How to develop a conclusion about foreign policy outcome
Reference No:- TGS01961033

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