1. Clear product/projects specifications:
- Define the problem
- Can become a guide for future projects/products
- Is a formal document listing requirements
- All of the above
- None of these
2. The generic process for creating a WBS is:
- To start at the top of what needs to be done, eventually generating a pyramid of tasks
- To breakdown each level of tasks to a lower level of more-detailed tasks.
- To create a Gantt Chart
- To create a Network Diagram
- (a) and (b)
3. A SWOT contains descriptions of:
- Person(s), team(s), or organization(s) helpful to achieving the objective(s)
- Person(s), team(s), or organization(s) harmful to achieving the objective(s)
- External conditions helpful in achieving stated objective(s)
- External conditions harmful to the achievement of stated objective(s)
- All of the above
4. All of the following are true about developing a project plan EXCEPT:
- The Work Breakdown Structure relates the elements of work to be accomplished to each other and to the end product
- A Network Diagram is a directional graph consisting of activity nodes and connections to demonstrate the dependency relations between these activities for a complete project.
- The cost estimation and budget planning are extremely important in the project design process.
- Trade-offs between time and cost often need to be considered
- The plan must be fixed and cannot change
5. In running a project, you should consider:
- Assigning one person as the lead in tracking the progress of the effort.
- Assigning specific roles to each and every team member
- Assigning project leadership roles
- Assigning ample time for testing and integration
- All of these