
How to decrease in current assets

There are two types, Conservative and Aggressive, so please give me the answers for both. Conservative: The end of period- Cash:380, Account recevable:20, Allowance:-20, inventory:30, long-live assets: 0, accumulated depreciation: 0, payables: 40, accurued expense: 10, other current liabilities: 50, I.B.D: 100, paid-in-capital: 200, and retained earning:10. Next period Event; 1)pay the routine accuruals 2)pay the vendor's payable 3)purchase a 2nd puppy paying $100 in cash 4)Dispose of the 1st puppy for $20 in cash 5)sell 10 t-shirt at $5 each cash 6)consult 40 clients and all pay $1 each in cash 7)Declare $50 in dividents 8) Repurchase 50 shares of common stock for $2 each in cash 9)complete the this period's Income statement & balance sheet including routine back-office transactions. 10) Also, complete The Statement of Cash Flow list.(Net Income=?, Depreciation Expense=?, Adjmts for increase/decrease in current assets=?, Adjmts for increase/decrease in current liabilities=?, CFOA=?, CAPEX=?, Losses/Gaines from Dispositions=?, Debt Issued (Repaid)=?, Stock Sales=?, Other financing Inflows=?, Total Cash Flow=? Aggressive: The end of period- Cash: 380, Account Receivable: 20, Inventory:80, pre-paids: 0, supplies: 0, Long-live assets: 160, Accumulated depreciation: (140), Advanced revenue:0, payable: 40, accurud expense: 10, other current liabilities 50, I.B.D: 100, Paid-in-capital: 200, retained earning: 100 Same event for Aggressive.

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Accounting Basics: How to decrease in current assets
Reference No:- TGS0674765

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