
How to create respect in conditions of little


Review the Angels 'Town Chero Ways, Gang Life, and Rhetorics of the Everyday by Ralph Cintron

Q: After your reading and discussion of "A Boy and His Wall," identify and describe an example in which people use the rhetorics of public culture to try and "create respect in conditions of little or no respect." Be specific and connect your example to one you find in the chapter.


In the "A Boy and His Wall," Ralph Cintron mainly focuses on a different metaphor, which is the wall acting as both a hurdle and space through which imagination can display a desire as well as protect the self. The walls Cintron assesses belongs to Valerio Martinez, who is a teenager, which imitated the way Valerio was both restrained in his social and socioeconomic veracity by selecting to signify himself past those constraints (Cintron, 1997).

Ralph analyses an educational system that is trapped within a model that mainly attempts to establish and sort learners purely based on the de-contextualized testing performance that normally benefit specific bodies and types of knowledge. Moreover, this associate back to the discourse of truth and lies since individuals tend to often endorse medical and educational authorities as truth despite the existing social acknowledgment that Othering is majorly built. About this particular circumstance, Othering happens via the diagnosis depicting that LD might be minimal within the examined subject and more within the social and political contexts where testing is majorly done (Cintron, 1997). Moreover, this scenario leads typically to the creation of a vicious cycle of failure since Valerio had struggled due to the underlying constraints as well as the values of the classroom.

According to Ralph, LD tests identified this very struggle, and assert that it can only be sorted through therapy and tutoring in a bid to be integrated back into the actual mainstream classroom as well as the mainstream ideology of the education (Lynch et al., 2015). Thus, instead of altering the system, students themselves are anticipated to change, and since they are powerless against a system that provides them with no alternative, they are obliged to adhere to the changes in the education system. Consequently, Valerio's bedroom walls became a central space where he could correspond to himself even though hyperbolically in ways mainly imagined a diverse life.

Cintron also focuses on the gangs in a bid to explore the way hyperbolic images are typically performed and embodied. Moreover, the cars are brightly painted and perfectly maintained while the clothes and hairstyles are cautiously constructed. These kinds of painting mainly represent the ways that the prevailing community members strive to pass via their respective socioeconomic as well as material realities in a bid to perform an identity that they can easily control (Lynch et al., 2015). Cleanliness was also deemed as a performance of this particular control since it bright display in the existing public space serves to conceal the raggedy as well as the decay within the underlying private area.

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