How to create a worksheet in ms excel

Follow the below steps:

1. In order to complete this assignment you need to create a new database and download a template file CS102_W8_PRA_Template.xlsx (CS102_W8_PRA_Template.ods if using LibreOffice suite)

2. Create a new database (CS102_W8_PRA_YourUserName.accdb in MS Access or CS102_W8_PRA_YourUserName.odb in LibreOffice Base)

3. Import data from the "results" worksheet of the template file into a new table of the database. Note that columns in the template file contain headers. Save the table as "results".

4. Import data from the "locations" worksheet of the template file into a new table of the database. Note that columns in the template file contain headers. Save the table as "locations".

5. Import data from the "teams" worksheet of the template file into a new table of the database. Note that columns in the template file contain headers. Save the table as "teams".

6. Join tables locations (left) and results (right) by the Game field.

7. Join tables results (left) and teams (right) by the Winning team (left) / Team (right) field.

8. Create a query Query 1 Cities Hosting Ravens Win that displays a city name and state for all the Superbowls where a winning team is Baltimore Ravens.

9. Create a report that contains results of the Query 1 and save it as Query 1 Cities Hosting Ravens Win. There is no need to publish a PDF report.

10. Create a query Query 2 Most Successful Teams that displays a winning team's name, its state of origin, and the number of Superbowls won, sorted by the number of titles. Use aggregate function Count to count number of Superbowl games won by a team.

11. Create a report that contains results of the Query 2, save it as Query 2 Most Successful Teams, and publish the report in PDF as CS102_W8_PRA_YourUserName.pdf

12. Create a query Query 3 All Superbowls that displays a game number, a winning team, a losing team, and the game hosting city (with state).

13. Create a report that contains results of the Query 3 and save it as Query 3 All Winners and Cities. There is no need to publish a PDF report.

14. Create a form that allows updating any field in the results of Query 3 and save it as Query 3 All Superbowls. Use this form to add a fictional result of Superbowl L. Use your favorite team as a winner and Fayette, IA as a location.

15. Submit the database file and the report PDF to the Dropbox.

For more information review the attached document:

Attachment:- How to create a worksheet in ms excel.rar

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Other Subject: How to create a worksheet in ms excel
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