How to copy and paste the citations of five good articles


Database: IEEE Xplore Digital Library

Keywords: - Project management methodology - Agile project management - Waterfall project management - Scrum methodology - Lean project management

Search Strategy:

• "Project management methodology" AND ("Agile project management" OR "Waterfall project management" OR "Scrum methodology" OR "Lean project management")

• ("Agile project management" OR "Waterfall project management" OR "Scrum methodology" OR "Lean project management") AND (project* AND methodolog*)

• ("Agile project*" OR "Waterfall projec*" OR "Scrum methodolog*" OR "Lean projec*") AND (methodology)

Note: The asterisk (*) is a truncation symbol that will search for all variations of the word root.

Using my article above, advise me on the following:

• Based on the number and relevance of results, how to refine a search until I get 30 results?

• If the database I'm searching has an automatic citation feature, how to copy and paste the citations of 5 good articles?

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Business Management: How to copy and paste the citations of five good articles
Reference No:- TGS03353933

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