
How to control mncs problems in the future


"Control Measures" Please respond to the following:

• Your matrix organization isn't working, decisions are not made in a timely manner and instead of solutions, and you are getting compromises. As the MNC CEO, you must provide the necessary control mechanism to improve your organization's condition. Assess the issues you have witnessed then provide the solutions to those issues.

Select two ivision structures then list three measures that must be considered in controlling the divisions across the entire organization. Then, explain holistically at least two opportunities that the organization may gain using the selected division structure.

Part 2

"MNC Management" Please respond to the following:

• From the e-Activity, identify the problems from at least two MNCs and provide your recommendations to the MNCs' management on how to control similar problems in the future.

Using the information above, conduct some research on the two MNCs selected, choose one and explain how the company is doing business differently in its control process then compare it to a typical domestic operation control process.


Go to the Multinational Monitor Website to read the article titled "The Ten Worst Corporations of 2004," dated December 2004, located at https://www.multinationalmonitor.org/mm2004/122004/mokhiber.html. Be prepared to discuss.

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Marketing Management: How to control mncs problems in the future
Reference No:- TGS01786054

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