Assignment task:
The size of your community, whether you are doing the assignment during the school year or over the summer, and the extent of your personal contacts with educators may determine which of these options will work best and be most interesting for you.
Write a 1500 word report outlining the activity you undertook, and what you discovered, both in terms of your observation/information-gathering and in terms of what you have learned in this course.
If you need assistance with how to prepare for the interview or how to conduct the interview, please see this Purdue University web site on Conducting Primary Research offers tips about how to conduct interviews and write interview questions.
Interview three young adults who have graduated from your local school system within the past two years. Do they feel that their school had the resources needed to provide a quality education to prepare them for future academic and/or career success? Why or why not? Do they feel that their school provided them with appropriate support and coursework during the Covid epidemic? What was their experience with standardized testing like? Do they feel like their education prepared them for the responsibilities that they will face as citizens -- for example, voting and participating in the political process, living in a diverse society and working with people from different backgrounds, employment, and parenting? What changes would they like to see to improve education for the next generation?